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all good journeys have curves for days.

Happy birthday Gabbie!

By 7:22 PM , ,

A very happy birthday to this lovely friend of mine. As I mentioned in the last post, we have been friends for around thirteen years now. (Flashback: The photo on the right? Ten years and... what, fifty lbs ago? Progress 😀) We've been through a lot together. Screaming matches with parents. Recovering from eating disorders. Bad relationships. Falling away and running towards the Lord. She's been my go-to girl at the end of every day and I'm so thankful I still have her as a friend.

And, as Chalene Johnson says, the best friends work out with you. Even being separated by an entire country, we still manage to hold one another accountable. We skype and work out together. Mind you, we don't do the same program. She's busting through Insanity Max:30 and I'm kicking my way through TurboFire. It's not about sharing an activity, but sharing a moment. We yell at each other when we can see the other is starting to cave, and we cheer each other on when we're pushing through that really tough HIIT. 

We used to physically do workouts together. Insanity was our go-to always. I have moved on from Shaun T's coaching - Ah, I shall return one day my fellow Jersian - but I have the fondest memories of great laughs, great results, and (ew!) great sweat doing those workouts with my friend. I could always count on her to drive every day to pick me up, work out with me, and either hang out and make dinner together or drive me home so we could go to our separate jobs. 

Make sure you have an accountability buddy. Gabbie is mine. She's a great workout partner and motivator and an even better friend. I love her oodles. She gives me advice, helps me improve my nutrition, and reminds me that a work out is a step towards progress, no matter how short or half-butted. Thanks for all of your support, Gab!

You can see my sappy IG post about her by following my social media button to the right, underneath my about me blurb. Happy birthday again girl! Thanks for pushing my fitness further :)

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